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For Content Creators

Hi, I'm Ian Drake, the creator of Snap Commands.

Record audio and video separately

The Beginning

Snap Commands was born out of a simple yet profound thought experiment. Periodically, I reflect on my interests and the wealth of knowledge I've accumulated to identify problems I'm uniquely equipped to solve.


In November 2023, as I pondered over my experiences in content creation, programming, and AI, among others, I revisited a challenging period from 2020 when I ventured into content production for my business that was struggling with covid lockdowns.

The experience was daunting. Struggling in front of the camera was just the tip of the iceberg; recording and editing were arduously time-consuming. Back then, I wished for a solution that could ease these pains. Snap Commands is the realization of that wish—a tool designed to transform content creation into a seamless, enjoyable process.


At its core, Snap Commands is powered by a patent-pending technology that marries innovative processing techniques with AI. This fusion grants content creators unparalleled control over their editing process right from the moment of recording.

Diverging from automated AI systems that often make inaccurate guesses about your needs, Snap Commands employs AI with precision—by following your explicit commands. This approach ensures that your creative intent is always the priority, enabling a tailored editing experience that automated systems simply cannot match.

Faster editing
Directing your own recordings

The Goal

My primary ambition with Snap Commands is to streamline content creation and render tedious rough edits obsolete.

Why should creators waste precious hours sifting through footage to find usable clips? That time could be better spent on more valuable editing tasks—efforts that truly enhance the final product. Snap Commands is designed to expedite both creation and editing phases, allowing you to produce more content and achieve your objectives more efficiently.

If you share our vision for a more streamlined, effective content creation process, then let's collaborate and make these goals a reality together!


Contact Snap Commands

Have any questions, inquiries or business proposals? Drop us a line and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks for reaching out!

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